Photo: Anna W. Thorbjörnsson
”The struggle with the sonatas”
The 32 pianosonatas of Beethoven are one of the western music’s great bibles. It carries with it special artistic ideals of the free artist and a culture of genius. They are also linked to the mythic image of the suffering artist – a journey through darkness.
Many pianists can testify to the paralysis that occurs, all demons that float up practicing the sonatas. The program is framed by audio diaries of various pianists who wrestle with and practice on the sonatas, fitting in to it’s frame. There is a link to power and machoculture, dogmatism and conservatism for every pianist to struggle with.
Broadcasted on P2 Documentary january 2020 and P1 Culture July 2020.
“Gay geurilla” – the piano of our time
On one occasion the American black and gay composer Julius Eastman smeared a grand piano in gravel for a performance in a church. The piano has a political context surrounding it that has always been loaded with tension. Through the example of Eastman I explore with various composers how the piano stands for an unexpected radically in some contexts.
Broadcasted P2 Documentary november 2019L

Photo: Jeanette Philipsen
“My pen has teeth”
In two shorter pieces I look into hiphop as an alternative media channel. The first piece looks into the Sami hiphopscen finding expressions of the inner pressures of being Sami. The second piece voices arabic hiphopartists; amidst censorship and corruption in the Middle East they have become an important role in documenting history.
Broadcasted november 2019 in Klingan P2.
“The Storm at the Royal Opera”
As one of the leading male singers at the Royal Opera House is convicted of a sexual assualt of a minor chaos erupts at the institution. The autumn 2019 consists of crisis therapy and endless meetings. The man himself searches to be forgiven but is overwhelmed with self-hatred.
The documentary searches to pronounce the difficult moral and ethical questions and the internal struggle that the singers at the opera, close collegues to the perpetrator, go through during that fall. Legal justice has been made, but is that enough? Should the man be allowed back to work after serving his punishment? How do they handle their own feelings of disgust when working closely together with him?
Broadcasted februari 2019 in P2 Documentary.
“Don Giovanni behind the mask” Part one
A famous artist in the classical music scene is accused of sexual harassment by many of his former students. This is the story of a far-reaching abuse of power and how it could continue.
-He touched on his genitals when I was standing in front of him on all fours doing some strange exercise he told me to do, he could often he was showing me ”singing technique” when things like this happened.
This is the story of how a charistmatic worldstar was able to use his position of power for decades and how the leadership could let it happen.“
Broadcasted in January 2017 in P2 Dokumentär and norwegian radio P2.

“Don Giovanni behind the mask” Part two
The story behind the new glass building of the Royal College of Music in Sweden inaugurated in 2017. The academy is rebuilt in glass. The students are visible from the street and from inside the corridors at every moment through glass windows from all directions. The glass bears testimony that something is going on in the lower layers of the school’s history and culture. At this location, we want to investigate questions about how a culture arises, how boundaries are shifted and how old trauma lives and influences the present.
Broadcasted in december 2018.

“The story of the exile orchestra.” in two parts
Follows the newly founded syrian exile orchestra based in Germany. Questions such as artistic values, money, authententicity surface when a conflict arouses between the syrian founder and the german conducter who wants to take over the orchestra.
Broadcasted in 2017 and 2018 in swedish and norwegian radio. The programme was elected to compete in Prix Europa.
”The drumbeat” in five parts

from the series ”The Drumbeat”.
Photo: Tommie Jönsson
Five percussionists tell the story of the Western civilization from the perspective of the percussion.
What does percussion symbolize through the ages? What ideas about music and culture that existed in the past relate to the use of percussion?
In the series we get a picture of the development from the percussion being regarded as an alien and exotic element in the orchestra, a link to the primitive, the foreign and less prestigious describing the charge that exists between the percussion and the Western instruments.
Broadcasted in Musikmagasinet i P2, summer 2017.

Photo: Hanna Cecilia Lindkvist
”Sololistlife” in three parts
Portraits of a young generation of musicians in the gap between tradition and modernity.
Broadcasted on Musikmagasinet in P2 2016.

”Goodnight stories from within”
Inmates in one of Swedens most violent prisons, Fosieanstalten, are given a chance to record goodnight stories for their children. Reading the stories changes the atmosphere in the prison. Relationships in and outside the prison change. Through the goodnight stories we search for a story about the softer and rawer sides of prisonlife.
Broadcasted on P4 documentary 2015.

”Too bearish , too dumb, too rich”
The finely tuned and soft middle class style has taken all artistic education under siege. The program follows those too coarse, too stupid and too rich art students who stand out with their backgrounds and provoke the ideal of art schools; one of the being to bearish, one too dumb, one simply too rich for art school.
Broadcasted in P1 culture-documentary.
”Behind the scenes”
The hours before the spotlight. An actor sings at sea, a standup comedian changes socks, a musician speaks to his inner troops. We move into a landscape of pulsed hearts and magical perfumes.
Broadcasted in P1 short culture-documentary 2008.
”The big gestures, de unsolved riddles and the fight against the tombs. Romanticism as a protest movement.”
Romanticism is on the rise in religion, music and poetry. It could be compared to punk in that it exaggerates a feeling, an expression, a protest and who revolts and goes outside the framework.
Broadcasted in P1, Culturedocumentary 2015.

”A clown saga – a story about cuts, scars and broken spines.”
A documentary and the fire clown Wille Christiani. A story of extreme pain, excitement and serious thoughts about real life.
Broadcasted in ”Reality” in P3, 2015
”Three sisters”
A perspective om sisterhood, competition and elitism through the sisters Bonfigliolo; all three belonging to the top violinists in Sweden.
Broadcasted in P2 Dokumentär 2014.
”Requirements for care that understands the Sami worldview” ”Western psychiatry has taken a patent on the truth,” says Gunn Heatta, Sami psychologist in Northern Norway.
People and Faith in P1
”To beat your mother” A program about the most taboo violence of all; to be beaten by their own child. In collaboration with Daniel Persson Mora.
Tendency in P1
”Sandra, the teens and Judaism”; Sandra is 15 years old and Orthodox Jew. Wear occurs when she tries to combine her teenage life with the millennial rules and rituals that follow from being believers.
UR Children’s Ministry
Kosmo in P1, reporting; ”Suicide wave in Tana in Northern Norway” A serious and deep identity crisis is plaguing the young generation of Sami in the gap between old and new lifestyles and values.
The theater newspaper, article; ”On the Barricade of the Sami Children.”; In the small northern Norwegian city of Tana, there is a cultural school that fights for the Sami language and Sami identity. In Sweden, however, the Sami struggle is far less visible than in the neighboring country.
”Nollywood” – the invisible film wonder in Nigera, with the world’s largest film production and explosive development.